How Are TMJ Disorders Diagnosed?

You are not wrong to consider visiting your primary care doctor, if you think you have temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJD). However, this condition has often times been misdiagnosed. Since TMJD patients do not require in-depth surgery or treatment, primary care physicians and surgeons cannot be apt in addressing pain concerns as well as facilitating

What You Need To Know Before Going For Composite Bonding Treatment

Composite bonding is widely recognized as an effective technique in cosmetic dentistry. The treatment involves the use of a type of dental materials such as composite resin, which will be molded and shaped on your teeth to achieve the appearance of whiter and straighter teeth.

Training Your Brain To Practice Better Oral Hygiene

Routines are something that we set and adhere to. Also, our brains are structured to create ‘shortcuts’ for us and we don’t have to think about every single thing we do. This has made our lives so much easier. When it comes to our oral health routine, it would be risky to allow these ‘shortcuts’

Why You Should Always Schedule Back To School Dental Appointments For Your Kids

Children look forward to back to school activities such as picking out brand new school supplies, orientations, new classroom friends, and more. However, not every kid counts down the days to a dentist appointment. That’s why it’s recommended that you make dental appointments as a back to school activity

What You Need To Know About Orofacial Pain

Stressed anxious young casually dressed woman tearing hair out feeling tension and stress while facing problems, can't stand pressure, clenching teeth and keeping eyes popped out. Body language

Orofacial pain is a general medical term that is used to describe pain that may be experienced in any part of one’s face. Those parts include the face, mouth, scalp and jaws. If one of the structures that make up the face and oral cavity is affected by a medical disorder or disease,

Dental Notice: Are You Prone To Cavities?

Some individuals are prone to getting cavities even though they brush their teeth twice or more every day, floss every nook and cranny in their mouths, and use an oral rinse to flush remaining food debris and bacteria out of their mouths.

Brighten Your Smile for the Holidays

December is known for the holiday season when family and friends get together to enjoy each other’s company. Many pictures are taken and special moments remembered. Nevertheless, some are reluctant to be a part of such things due to their current smile.

Save Money, Save Teeth

For the healthiest smile, it’s a good idea to visit our Franklin Dental Office at Arcadia Dental a minimum of twice a year. Even if you think you have no cavities or dental problems, budgeting time and money for dental care is extremely wise.